Welcome to My World

Hello everyone. My name is Trent and I am a FTM transman. I have be transitioning from over five years and on testosterone for four years as of January 2015. I am out to the people who knew me before I began transitioning, stealth to strangers and 98% of the people I went to college with. I have a Bachelor’s of Art in Criminal Justice but my real passion is exercise and fitness. Although I don’t have any type of degree or certification in the fitness field, I still possess a lot of knowledge about it through research and personal experience. I do intend to get a personal training certification.

I have been an athlete since I could walk. I’ve played many different sports. But the one issue I’ve had was my weight. I am a bit on the heavy side. But don’t let that fool you, I am also very strong. I have research for hours looking for a way to lose more weight faster. Mainly because  I LOVE weight training and prefer doing it above everything else. I have lost some weight, roughly around 30lbs, but I would like to lose more.

I am starting this page to record my fitness journey. And I want to share the knowledge and experience with other transmen or anyone who wants to read it (LOL). If there is any topic you would like to see or if you have any comments or question, contact me or leave a comment below any post.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned!

Top Surgery S.O.S

I have been stuck in a rut for a few years. I have been trying to save money for my top surgery with no success. I have applied to grants and for loans and get rejected everything. I am at the end of my rope. With bills, it is very hard for me to save like I would like to. I currently have a fundraiser but I haven’t gotten any donations. I am running out of ideas. I’m still having money but I feel like to is going to take my forever to get the amount I need. It is really depressing to feel like everything has stopped for me. And to want it so bad that I would pretty much do anything to get it hurts more.

So if anyone who has had surgery could give me some pointers or share how you funded yours, I would really appreciated it.

Thanks for read. Stay tuned!

The Plan

I am a very detail and plan oriented. I will follow a plan to the T. I love schedules and time management. The plan I found is a very simple and effective workout. Many hardcore lifters have heard of the 5×5 workout.

The 5×5 workout is a simple workout to get stronger, build muscle, and burn fat. 5×5 means five sets of five reps.  It uses only compound exercises: Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press, and Barbell Row. The workout takes about 45 minutes to complete and is done three times a week. I will follow this plan for 12 weeks.

The format I am using is a full body workout split into two workouts:

  • Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
  • Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift (1×5)

There are two workouts, three days a week. I will alternate between the two and rest at least one day between. To accelerate my fat loss, I will do 30-45 minutes of cardio on weight training days only. The rest days are rest days, no workouts.

The workout suggested starting with just the empty bar for Bench Press, Squat, and Overhead Press. Since I already have experience with the exercises, I am starting with a slightly heavier weight that allows me to prefect my form.

I will post progress and weights used, as well as, up-to-date body stats.

Stay tuned!

My Transition Thus Far

2010. Pre-T
2010. Pre-T
2011. 3 months on T
2011. 3 months on T
2015. 4 years and 5 months on T
2015. 4 years and 5 months on T

I realized that I have not talked about my transition yet. I started transitioning in 2010. I started going to a therapist and got my name changed. Unfortunately, Ohio does not allow gender changes on birth certificates yet, so I had to settle with the gender change on my state ID. At the same time, I was also in school. I was in the process of transferring to a four year college. I thought “What a great way to start my new life!” That was not the case. I got my hormone letter in December that year and start at my new college in January 2011. Since I am so afraid of needles, I had the college nurse give me my shots. I did not realize how feminine I really looked until I looked back at pictures from my first year.

I was living in a male dorm, had a male roommate, and played on men’s teams. I even joined a fraternity. I had a few close friends but for the most part I did not tell anyone. And thankfully, no one asked. I didn’t really tell anyone until my last year. The only people who knew were the only other transman at school, who had to live in the female dorm, and my girlfriend. I knew there were rumors about me because friends would come and tell me. But I didn’t really care, no one could prove anything. Plus, I had an awesome cover story. I came up with the cover story because I was older than most of the students who lived on campus. When I enrolled, I was 25 years old. I graduated at 29, this past May. I obviously did not look like a 25 year old man. And I was going through my second puberty.

I think the first change I actually noticed was my body composition changed. I was still heavy but I looked fatter. That is because my fat went from my ass and hips straight to my gut. And I hate that. As time went on, my hair line started change and I grew the pub’stache (that is the thin mustache teenage boy get, if you didn’t know). Then, I got that patchy facial hair and new acne. The only really slow change for me is body hair. I had no leg hair, no body hair, and very light arm hair. Even today, I don’t have much body hair. I’m not really complaining, just noting.

When started workout out again, I noticed something different. I gained strength and muscle much faster than I did before. I loved that change. I was able to gain a lot of muscle mass but I still have a problem losing fat. That is a working progress.

Now, I pass so much better. I actually look like a mini version of my father. I have facial hair, but have to shave for work, and a much deeper voice. The only thing holding my back is I have not had top surgery yet. I am working of funding that through saving money and crowdfunding. Being a bigger guy mean I have a bigger chest. I have been binder for years. I actually start binding before I start transitioning. Now, I am tired of it. I’m working hard to get this done. I don’t know if this will be my final step or not. I am just trying to do one thing at a time.

As for my shots, I can do them myself. But I still hate needles and sometime I have to calm my nerve. It’s funny because every time I grab to needle to get everything setup, my hands instantly start shaking. I cannot control it. I am getting been though.

So that is about my transition to date.

Stay tuned!

Starting Point

Although I am a bit overweight, I do workout. I have found out that it is very easy for me to gain muscle and strength, but it is very hard for me to lose fat. I don’t have a horrible diet. I am not a fan of junk foods or fast food. In fact, eating fast food usually ends with me having a lot of stomach discomfort. So, I try to stay away from it. I don’t drink tons of pop. I usually have one here and there. I actually like to drink water. Not very many people can say that. I have a relatively balanced diet. I love fruit and vegetables. Now for the bad. I like energy drinks. I know they are awful for you but I like the taste. And I like potato chips.

I have some minor things to tweak. But I feel that blogging and keeping better track of my progress will help achieve my goals.

According to my home scale, currently I am 220.2lbs, 27.6% body fat, my BMI (Body Mass Index) is 34.1, and my waist measurement is 42.5ins. And this is what I look like:

Front 7-25-15 Side 7-25-15

My long-term goals are:

  • Weight: 180lbs or less
  • Body Fat: 15% or less
  • Waist: Less than 32ins

I am giving myself a year to achieve these goals. I feel like it is very doable if I apply myself 100%, and if work doesn’t get in the way. I may need to make some modifications to my diet.

I like to give myself short-term goal, as well. My short-term goals are micro steps to achieve my long-term goals. They help me stay motivated and show me that I am making progress.

My short-term goals are:

  • Drop down to 200lbs & have my waist size closer to 38ins by my birthday. (November 29)

Lifestyle Changes

I want to make some lifestyle changes. This is different from goals because they are on-going changes. Some of the changes I want to make are:

  • Eat more often
    • I should eat 5-6 meals a day. But sometimes life comes fast. I want to plan meals better, so I can pack food and not worry about what to eat when I’m out.
  • Exercise consistently
    • Again, life comes fast. Schedule change. But I don’t want things to interfere with my fitness.
  • Cut out the unnecessary things
    • The energy drinks. I am going to stop drinking them. And I can limit my chips. Not stop. Moderation is okay!

Things change frequently. More goals may come and some goals may change. But this is what I hope to achieve for now. Stay tuned as I take this journey!